Tuesday, July 3, 2012

This weeks TEAM WOD

Team WOD Part 1-

As a team of 6 (3 Guys/3 Girls) Complete the following for max reps:

Each team member will have 2 minutes to complete Max Rep Thrusters 135/75

You will only have one bar available to you, You will go in a Guy-Girl order. The person who just got done must change the weight for the next team member before the next team member is allowed to touch the bar. Your score will be the total of reps accumulated. These are thrusters! You may not break up the movement. YOU MUST DRIVE THE BAR OFF THE SHOULDERS ON YOUR WAY UP FROM THE SQUAT!!!

This will be followed IMMEDIATELY by:

Part 2-

400 Wall Balls For Time. This will be performed with a 20LB ball to a 10 foot target by all members. You may go in any order you like and each team member can do as many reps as he or she likes, ALL MEMBERS MUST DO AT LEAST 1 REP FOR THIS TO BE VALID.

THE WALL BALL MAY NOT TOUCH THE GROUND ONCE YOU BEGIN!!! If the wall ball falls the ENTIRE team must run a 400m before proceeding, and will run a 400m for every drop there after. Score will be total time to complete.

This will take stratagey and endurance. ENJOY!!!

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