Thursday, May 31, 2012


Really push yourself these last couple of days of HARD training! We will start to taper off for the competition soon. Goal for todays WOD is to get comfortable with DU's while gassed.

Warm Up:

Muscle ups- 30 reps, 1 rep at a time

*If you do not have muscle ups do:
10 rounds- 5 CTB pull ups
                  5 Ring dips

Power Snatch- Heavy double (touch and go)

Jerk- Heavy Single

Back Squat- 5x3 at a moderate weight

Muscle Endurance:
Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes perform:
4 10m sprints
8 heavy KB Swings

5 rounds of the following:

400m run
50 Double Unders

*Rest 2 minutes in between rounds*

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Keep the press on!!!

Stay focused, Stay strong!!!

Warm Up:
Strict(no kipping) HSPU- 5x7 unbroken reps

Pistols- 3 sets of 10 alternating

Turkish get ups- 5x3 at a moderate weight

50 weight vest burpee pull ups for time.

Muscle Endurance:
Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes perform:
10 alternating dumbbell snatch 50/30

For time:
Deadlift 225/155
Toe to bar

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

AOK Just around the corner....

2 weeks until the Anarchy in the OK event. Are you training hard? Are you resing and recovering properly? Are you eating right? Last couple of days to really test yourself, Get to work!!!

Warm Up:
Muscle ups- 5 sets with the 1st set being max reps, and the other 4 being sets of 3/5/7 unbroken reps.

* If you do not have muscle ups take 20 minutes to work on technique and progression.*

Starting with an empty bar, you will have 7 minutes to find a 1RM ground to overhead anyway. This can be achieved with clean and jerk, snatch, or any crazy way you can get the bar from the floor to locked out overhead. Be smart with your weight jumps and time management!

Muscle Endurance:
Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes perform:
2 Power cleans 205/135
20 Double unders
For time complete:

400m run
50 Push Press 75/55
400m run
35 CTB pull ups
400m run
20 Box Jumps 30"/24"

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

Go to the Noon class at CF405 and celebrate memorial day with the WOD Coach Aaron prescribes. Rmember our fallen heros and pay tribute to them with your hard work and sweat!!!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Strongman Sunday

Today will be focused on some movements that are awkward and will take you out of your comfort zone. Stress proper form and stay within yourself!

Warm Up:
2000m row @ a 2 minute 500m pace

Turkish get ups- 5x3 at a moderate weight

10x3 EXPLOSIVE tire flips. Rest 90 seconds in between sets.

5x1 Atlas stone to shoulder. Go heavy if you can.

Muscle Endurance:
 Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes perform:
25m farmers carry 100lbs/50lbs in each hand
5 burpees

"AXLE Diane"

21-15-9 for time:
225/155 Axle deadlifts

Friday, May 25, 2012

A conversation I over heard...

Last Spring while I was in Atlanta for Command Fitness Leader School, I was really excited to get the oppurtunity to workout at Crossfit Atlanta ( Home of Chuck Carswell and Mike Giardina, 2 of the level 1 certification staff). When I got there the atmosphere was drentched in comradere and competition. A lot of the elite athletes at the gym had showed up to the 1630 class and I was stoked to get a chance to workout with and compete against Mike G(a games competitor). The WOD was "Nasty Girls" and I PR'd the workout by over 3 minutes. As we all were sitting around rolling out and shooting the shit, a client came over to Mike and said, "Hey coach what are we doing today?". Mike thought for a minute and looked at the client and said, " what are you good at?". The client smiled this big shit eating grin and proceeded to list off all of his best lifts and movements, which was aggresively long. Once he wrapped up his novel of how awsome he was, Coach Mike Looked at him and said,"Wow thats awesome, But we are going to do none of that shit today!". The clients smile abruptly went to frown town and a look of crushing defeat came over him. As that was going on I thought to myself, We are always eager and willing to get in the gym and do what we are good at or know what we can excel at, but we are reluctent to come to the gym when the WOD is somthing that will take us out of our comfort zone or it is somthing we know we struggle with. And that my friends is what seperates the "Champs from the Chumps". The best of the best look at the WOD and see somthing they are struggling with and get a fucking training boner and attack it with all they got. And they will keep doing it until that weakness becomes a strength. This is what we all must do. It is what we HAVE to do if we want to get better. So please come to the gym and give it your all even if the WOD is not suited to your strengths. You will get better, you will get stronger and you will get faster. The best accomplishments in life are the ones you have to work REALLY hard for to achieve! Don't waste a day, Don't waste an opportunity to get better! Don't walk away from this competition or any of them for that matter with "coulda, woulda, shoulda". Because if you shoulda and coulda, YOU WOULDA!!!

Lactate Threshold Training

Friday is a perfect day to test your abilities. Push hard and earn you weekend! Tomorrow will be a rest day so PUSH YOURSELF TODAY!!!

Warm Up:
Pick your "GOAT" and work on it for 10 minutes.

Turkish Get ups- 5x3 at moderate weight

Weighted Ring dips 5x3

Weighted Pull ups 5x3

Muscle Endureance:
Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes perform:
7 wall ball shots 20/14, both to 10 foot target
7 Box Jumps 24"/20"

Lactate threshold training:

Complete 5 sets of the following:

3 Tough(Heavy) touch and go Power Cleans
10 Burpees
25 meter High Prowler push down
25 meter Low Prowler push back

* Rest 3 Minutes*

This is meant to be performed at 90%-95% effort for each set. DO WORK!!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The "SUCK" Factor

Today we will focus on the suck factor and how you handle "uncomfortable". Push yourself today and stay mentally strong! I want to see how much suck you can take!!!

Warm Up:
Atlas stone to shoulder- accumulate 30 total reps varying the weight. Focus on form!!!

Box Squat: 12sets of 3 reps @ 55% of your 1RM. Rest 90 seconds in between sets. Focus on Power and Explosiveness.

Muscle Endurance:
Tabata Sledge Hammer strikes. Alternate arms each set (4 sets each arm) for a total of 8 sets.

Proceed as far as possible in 4 minutes:
400m run
5 muscle ups / CTB pull ups
15 Power cleans  155/95
20 toe to bar
25 KB swings 2/1.5
30 Box jumps 24”/20”
100 double unders
*Rest 3 minutes*
Proceed as far as possible in 8 minutes:
400m run
5 muscle ups / CTB pull ups
15 Power cleans  155/95
20 toe to bar
25 KB swings 2/1.5
30 Box jumps 24”/20”
100 double unders
*Rest 3 minutes*
Complete for time:
400m run
5 muscle ups / CTB pull ups
15 Power cleans  155/95
20 toe to bar
25 KB swings 2/1.5
30 Box jumps 24”/20”
100 double unders

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Heavy Snatches

Today will focus around the snatch. Take your time with each attempt and really stress form. Teach your body how to do it right, so when its under diress, it will do what you programmed it to do.

Warm Up:
HSPU- 5 sest, First set being max reps, last 4 will be sets of 3/5/7 unbroken reps. Use this time to also work on Kipping HSPU or Handstand walks as well.

* If you do not have HSPU, take 20 minutes to work of technique and progression. Get comfortable kicking up to the wall and holding a stable midline.*

Snatch- Work up to a heavy single. No more then 6 attempts. * These are full squat snatches*

OHS- Work up to a heavy triple. Focus on midline stability.

Muscle Endurance:
Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes perform-
6 alternating pistols
6 ring dips

15-12-9 reps for time:
Power Snatch 115/75
Bar facing burpees

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Rest Day

Rest and Recovery After Exercise - Improve Sports Performance

After Exercise Rest - Why Rest Days Improve Sports Performance

By , Guide
Updated April 30, 2012
Most athletes know that getting enough rest after exercise is essential to high-level performance, but many still over train and feel guilty when they take a day off. The body repairs and strengthens itself in the time between workouts, and continuous training can actually weaken the strongest athletes.
Rest days are critical to sports performance for a variety of reasons. Some are physiological and some are psychological. Rest is physically necessary so that the muscles can repair, rebuild and strengthen. For recreational athletes, building in rest days can help maintain a better balance between home, work and fitness goals.

What Happens During Recovery?

Building recovery time into any training program is important because this is the time that the body adapts to the stress of exercise and the real training effect takes place. Recovery also allows the body to replenish energy stores and repair damaged tissues. Exercise or any other physical work causes changes in the body such as muscle tissue breakdown and the depletion of energy stores (muscle glycogen) as well as fluid loss.
Recovery time allows these stores to be replenished and allows tissue repair to occur. Without sufficient time to repair and replenish, the body will continue to breakdown from intensive exercise. Symptoms of overtraining often occur from a lack of recovery time. Signs of overtraining include a feeling of general malaise, staleness, depression, decreased sports performance and increased risk of injury, among others.


Active recovery WOD:
Run 2 to 3 miles at 60%-70% effort
Roll out all your sticky places
Epsom salt bath

Monday, May 21, 2012

What is CrossFit 405 Competitor WOD?

This blog and it's contents are for any CF405 athlete who are serious about preparing for and competing in any local competitions and the CrossFit games season. Workouts posted will concentrate more on skills, movements and scenarios that you will more then likely face in the heat of battle. Each training day should be attacked with 100% effort and complete mental focus. What you put in is what you will get out! If there are any questions or concerns please feel free to approach me at the gym or leave a comment on this site. Also I will be available by phone, just get with me for my number. Happy training!!!

3 Weeks out....

The next 3 weeks are crucial training days. Train hard and train smart! Focus on your weaknesses and prepare yourself mentally.

Warm up:
Muscle ups- If you have muscle ups do:
5 sets, 1st set being max reps and the 4 sets to follow being 3/5/7 unbroken reps. rest about 2 minutes inbetween sets.

* If you do not have muscle ups take 20 minutes to work on technique and progression*

Strength WOD:
Deadlift- Work up to a HEAVY triple (3 reps). Does not have to be a 3RM but challenge yourself!!!

Muscle Endurance:
Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes perform:
10 burpee box jumps 24"/20"

For time complete:
1 mile run
150 double unders
30 deadlifts @ 275/185