Friday, July 6, 2012

Competition style weekend

All these workouts must be completed by 3PM (1500) Sunday July 8th. You Can do the workouts any time you want between now and then. Use this to practice strategy and recovery. Post all your results on this site so we can be held accountable.

Perform in any order at any time:

WOD # 1:

Complete for time:
30 Squat Snatches 135/95
30 Muscle Ups
*Break up the reps any way you want.
* 10 minute cap, each rep not completed in 10 minutes is 5 seconds added on to 10 minutes i.e. fail to complete 10 reps puts your time at 10:50.

WOD # 2:

Complete for time:
10-8-6-4-2 Power Cleans  175/115
2-4-6-8-10 HSPU
* Kipping the HSPU is allowed*

WOD # 3:

3 Rounds for time:
5 Squat clean thrusters 155/100
200m sprint
* Power clean to thruster is allowed*

WOD # 4:

Complete for time:

25 Deadlifts 245/185

50 CTB Pull ups

25 Deadlifts 245/185

WOD # 5:

With a 5 minute running clock perform:

3 minute AMRAP Row for max calories

2 Minute AMRAP Box Jumps 30"/24" for max reps

* Score is combined total reps*

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