Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Snatch + OHS, and some threshold training

Warm Up:

HSPU- If you did not do HSPU yesterday accumulate 50 reps, if you did skip this.

CTB Pull ups- If you Did not do this yesterday do them today, if you did skip it.

TGUs- 5 minutes of continuous movement alternating hands at the bottom of each rep using 50lb/30lb dumbbell.


For Max Weight:

1 Snatch + 3 OHS

* If you Power Snatch you must complete 4 OHS*

Muscle Endurance:
Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes perform:
12 Air squats
2 Box jumps 36"/30"


5 rounds of the following:

250m Row
10 Burpees
5 Touch and Go Squat Snatch   95/65
*rest 2 minutes in between rounds, Each round performed at 95% effort.*

1 comment:

  1. Warm up-
    CTB- 10,10,10,10,10
    TGU- 35lbs

    SWOD- Worked up to 200lbs

    ME- completed all rounds as rx'd.

    WOD- Did the tire flip jump through WOD from Monday. Time was 17:10 as rx'd.
