Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Warm Up-

Row 1k nice and easy

50 Sit ups

50 Push ups

Mobilize Shoulders


Bench Press- 12 sets of 3 Reps every minute on the minute. Use 50%-70% of your 1RM and stay tight and explosive. Add bands for a little extra spice!

Muscle Endurance-

Tabata Mash up of:

75/55 Hang power Snatch

* 8 tabata intervals of each!!! 16 total*


AMRAP 5 Minutes:

7 DB Push Press 50/30 (each hand)
35 Double Unders

1 comment:

  1. Bench- 7x3 with bands, worked up to 255
    5x3 without bands 255,265,275,295,305

    Bent Rows- 135x8,155x8,175x8,185x8,205x8

    AMRAP- 7 PP into round 5
