Thursday, August 30, 2012

How are you feeling today?

Warm up-

Row 2K slow and steady

50 Hollow rocks

50 back extentions

Dynamic Movements for 5 minutes



Warm up- 5x1 @ 60%

Working sets-

2x1 @ 70%

2x1 @ 80%

2x1 @ 90%

Muscle Endurance-
Every Minute on the minute for 10 minutes:

30 Double Unders

* Every time you break up a set do 1 Burpee before starting back up*


AMRAP 10 minutes:

*First 3 minutes will be max DISTANCE on the rower (record meters)

then with remaing time do AMRAP:

7 Deadlifts 225/155
14 Bar Facing Burpess

Your score will be in 2 parts, Distance rowed and rounds completed.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Squat Cycle continued

Warm Up-

Banded Squat Holds- 3 sets of 2 minute holds

* Attach a band to a post, step in and put band around waste, step back untl tension is felt, drop into the bottom of a squat and hold for 2 minutes. Repeat 2 more times!

Mobilize Hips!!!


Back Squats:

Warm Up- 3x5 at 50%- 70% of your Heaviest set of 5 from August 20th

Working sets- 5 sets of 5 reps @ 80% of your Heaviest set of 5 from August 20th

Power Snatch- 7x2 from the ground


AMRAP 8 minutes:

4 Muscle ups or 8 CTB Pull ups
8 Ring Dips
12 Wall Ball Shots 20/14

*If you are doing muscle ups, Lock out your 4th muscle up and proceed directly into 8 ring dips before dropping from the rings. If you fail at anytime during the ring dips, you must perform a full muscle up before you may continue*

Monday, August 27, 2012


Warm up-

Run 10 minutes @ 80%

50 Push ups

50 Sit ups

Mobilize Shoulders


Strict Press- 7,5,5,3,3,3 If you want, find a new 3RM!

Bent Rows- 4 sets of 6 to 8 reps

Power Clean- 7x2 from low blocks, maintain perfect form!

Muscle endurance-

Tabata sledge hits right arm x 8 intervals

Tabata Double unders x 8 intervals

Tabata sledge hits left arm x 8 intervals


Complete for time:


Tire Flips

* 200m sprint between each set*

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Squat Cycle Medium Day

Warm Up-

Row 1K

Mobilize Hips

Dynamic Stretch and roll out for 10 minutes


Back Squats-

Warm up- 50% x 5, 70% x 5, and 80% x 5 of last mondays HEAVIEST set of 5

Working sets- 5 set of 5 reps @ 90% of last mondays HEAVIEST set of 5

Power Snatch- 7x2 From Low Blocks, Stay light enough to have perfect form.


Complete for time:

30 KB swings 2pd/1.5pd

15 Burpee Muscle ups or 30 Burpee pull ups

30 Power Snatch 115/75

15  Burpee Muscle ups or 30 Burpee pull ups

30 KB swings 2pd/1.5pd

Friday, August 24, 2012


Warm Up-

Run 10 minutes @ 65%-75% effort

Dynamic stretch and mobilize for 10 minutes


Deadlift- 3x5 @ 70% of 1RM
              3x3 @ 80% of 1RM
              3x1 @ 90% of 1RM

Muscle endurance-

Tabata row for distance, 1000m is the goal!!!


For time:


Deadlift 315rx/275scale for men and 185rx/155scale for women
Wall Climbs or Deficit HSPU on 45lb plates NO ABMATS!!!


2 mile run @ 75% effort

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Squat Cycle Light day

Warm Up-

Banded Squat Holds- 3 sets of 2 minute holds

* Attach a band to a post, step in and put band around waste, step back untl tension is felt, drop into the bottom of a squat and hold for 2 minutes. Repeat 2 more times!

Mobilize Hips!!!


Back Squats:

Warm Up- 3x5 at 50%- 70% of your Heaviest set of 5 from Monday

Working sets- 5 sets of 5 reps @ 80% of your Heaviest set of 5 from Monday

Depth Box Jumps:

Jump onto 24"/20" box-Jump down and immediately Jump to 30"/24" box- Jump down and immediately Jump to 36"/30" box.

* Repeat this 5 to 7 more times, STAY EXPLOSIVE!!!*

Muscle endurance:
With a Weight vest perform:

800m run

Rest 3 Minutes

800m run


AMRAP 7 Minutes:

10 Alternating DB Snatch 55/35
5 Burpee Box Jumps 24"/20"

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Warm Up-

Row 1k nice and easy

50 Sit ups

50 Push ups

Mobilize Shoulders


Bench Press- 12 sets of 3 Reps every minute on the minute. Use 50%-70% of your 1RM and stay tight and explosive. Add bands for a little extra spice!

Muscle Endurance-

Tabata Mash up of:

75/55 Hang power Snatch

* 8 tabata intervals of each!!! 16 total*


AMRAP 5 Minutes:

7 DB Push Press 50/30 (each hand)
35 Double Unders

Monday, August 20, 2012

Squat Cycle Begins

Warm Up-

Run 400m
Row 500m

15 Wall Climbs

Row 500m
Run 400m

All @ 60% effort!


Back Squat:

Warm up 3x5 at 50% effort

Working sets-

Set 1 @ 60% effort x5 reps (not a weight, but how you feel)

Set 2 @ 80% effort x5 reps

Sets 3-5 @ 100% effort x5 reps (each set of 5 should be grueling)

*Record your heaviest set of 5 reps for future reference*


AMRAP 6 Minutes:

2 Strict Pull ups
4 Strict HSPU
8 KBS 2pd/1.5pd

Conditioning (optional)-

1 Mile run @ 75% effort

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Another Sunday Afternoon

Warm Up:

Row 2K

Mobilize hips and shoulders

Hspu- 50 reps

Muscle up- 20 reps


For max weight:

1 Squat Snatch + 3 OHS from low blocks

Muscle endurance-

5 rounds of:

5 Strict press
5 Push press
Max rep unbroken Push Jerk

Men use 95, Women do 65


AMRAP 9 Minutes:

3 Stone to shoulder HEAVY
5 Burpees
7 Toe to Bar

Friday, August 17, 2012

Pre Game

For those competeing this weekend use today to finalize your plan of attack, Scope out the venue rules and get your gear bag equipped accordingly. GOOD LUCK!!!

For those not competing:

Warm up:

Run 10 minutes @ 70% effort

Yoke Push- 5 down and backs

Toe to bar- 50 reps


For max weight-

1 Squat Clean + 3 Front squats from low blocks


5x2 Jerks from the high blocks

WOD/Muscle endurance:

5 Sets of-

5 Power Cleans
10 Lunges with bar in front rack position
Max reps unbroken push press

Rest 3 minutes between rounds, Guys use 135, girls use 75. Once you drop the bar on the push press that set is over and your rest begins. Score is the total of the push presses completed.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bench Press

Warm Up-

Run 10 minutes @ 70% effort

Lacrosse ball and Mobilize shoulders

Push ups- 50 reps

Abmat Sit ups- 50 reps


Bench Press- 5,5,3,3,3,1,1,1 Work up to a HEAVY single

Dumbell Rows- 50 reps each arm

Muscle Endurance-

7 x 50m sprints with flying start from 10m behind the start line. Make sure your hammies are warmed up! Rest as needed to attack each sprint with 100% effort.


3 Rounds for time:

7 Power Cleans 185/115
14 Box Jumps 30"/24"
21 KB push press 55/35 in each hand

Monday, August 13, 2012


Warm Up-

Row 1K

Burgner Warm up


Snatch- 5x3 from blocks, These are NOT unbroken reps, reset after each make.

Snatch Grip Deadlift- 5x2 @ 120% of 1RM Snatch

Muscle Endurance-

Max rep Burpee Box Jump (24"/20") in 3 minutes


Complete 3 rounds for total WORKING time:

200m run
12 Power Snatch 95/65
12 Burpees
12 Power Snatch 95/65
200m run

* Rest 3 minutes between rounds*

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Short and Heavy!!!

Warm up:

Run 10 minutes @ 70% effort

Mobilize Hips and Shoulders

Hollow Rocks- 50 Reps

GHD Back Extension- 50 Reps


Jerk- from blocks, 7x 2

Banded Box Squats- 15x3 explosive reps, rest 60 seconds between sets


3 rounds for time *6 minute cap*:

7 Ground to overhead 185/115
7 Bar Facing Burpees

Friday, August 10, 2012

As usual, a Friday chipper

Warm up-

Goat Work


Deadlift- 5x2 @ 90%,95%,100%,105%,110% of your 3RM

Muscle Endurance:
None for today


Complete for time:

400m run
21 Deadlifts 225/155
21 Box Jumps 24/20
400m run
15 Deadlifts
15 Box Jumps
400m run
9 Deadlifts
9 Box Jumps
400m run

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Power Cleans.... Gotta love em'

Warm up-

Row 1K

HSPU- accumulate 50 reps

Hollow Rocks- Tabata. 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 8 total


Power Clean- 5,5,3,3,1,1

Pause Front Squats- 5x2

Muscle Endurance-

50 Power Cleans @ Body weight for time.


AMRAP 8 minutes:

8 Push Press 135/95
8 Toe to Bar
4 10m Sprints

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Rest Day or Make Up Day

Just to clarify, Rest Days are NOT days off. Yes you maybe not doing anything physically tasking that day, but your focus still has to be on the end all goal of success! And in perspective, you workout 1 to 3 hours on your "ON" days right? That leaves 23 or so hours that you still need to maintain your focus! Sure have a cheat meal, enjoy time to yourself or doing other activities, but never lose sight of WHY you are doing this. I am as guilty as anyone when it comes to this point. But from here on out what ever time I can commit to this journey, I will pour my all into it. We all work, some of us multiple jobs, Guess what..... That is not a reason or excuse not to train. Through pain comes success, Through sacrifice comes satisfaction! Get up early, Stay up later, Sacrifice your lunch break and put the time in! You must commit, if you can not, then you may need to readjust your goals. Now I am not saying you need to spend every waking minute in the gym or being concerned with food. You definitly need to rest and recover. JUST DO IT SMARTLY AND WITH A PURPOSE. If you do, your goals will be fulfilled. If your goal is to compete in the CrossFit open/regionals/games, then you need to look into the guys who are winning these events. Look at how much time and effort they dedicate to training. If you can not fulfill that commitment, Then set a goal that will challenge you but is ACTUALLY reachable. I have nothing but faith and respect for the people who are reading this right now and I believe the sky is the limit for all of you. Please take the time to sit down and really examine yourself and see where your goals, time, effort and commitments really need to be, and I will do the same!   

Monday, August 6, 2012

OKC Classic Recap......

All in all I was very pleased with the performance of the 405 family of athletes. A LOT of knowledge was gained and some trouble areas were exposed. I thought we handled a very chaotic situation with professionalism and poise. When teams were complaining, ours were stoic, While other athletes displayed improper form or movement standards, ours exemplified proper form and movement techniques. And I think that in itself is a victory. Being able to walk away knowing you did the right thing regardless of placement.

We had some first timers go out and put on a great show of heart and determination. Matt, what can I say, you impressed me the most. I got to watch all of your events and you my friend are a BEAST. After a couple more scaled events I think you will have the experience to step up to bat with the big boys!

Dom, Great Job! A top 10 finish in your first event is legit! I think you learned a lot about yourself and what to focus your training on. We have already talked a little bit but if you want more advice just let me know.

Allan, We will never know how it really could have ended, or where the other 70 Double unders went, But you did GREAT brother. 2 events..... 2 top 10's, I know your not satisfied with that but take a second to appreciate it. Your time will come bro! Keep the drive and the podium will be your next stop!

Aaron did 5 workouts in 5 hours, Take a fucking rest day! Great work brother!

DL, I didn't get to see much of your work bro but I am sure you gave it hell. And I don't need to tell you that if a weakness was exposed, attack that shit! And you still are my hero!

No Pants Killed it again! You did Awesome! Another top 10! I was very impressed watching you. You spead up when the other girls slowed down, keep that mental attitude and the podium will come!

TEAM 405 STRONG, other then an unexpected slip up, we did pretty much what we set out to do. Alex and Katie competed in thier first event and killed it. I think Alex saw first hand just how much adrenaline can influence a lift... 175 might still be in orbit somewhere over Russia right now. Katie, your a beast , but I already knew that from watching you in the strongman class. Keep up the training and the sky is the limit! Becky, also an unbelieveable athlete, You kick ass girlfriend, I think you will do well in future competitions, work on your weaknesses and you will do great! As for JT and Myself we need no accalaids, we were there for you guys not ourselves, Our main purpose was to help and guide you new guys. And last but certainly not least... The lovely Gena, You can be my teammate any time! I don't know if you were nervous at all, every time I looked at you, you looked calm and collected and it really helped to center me in all of the chaos and I thank you for that! And your buzzer beater clean and jerk was FUCKING AWESOME even though it was the same weight.

MIDTOWN MUSCLE, I saw a lot of good things from you guys! Some clean and jerk expectations were met, some weaknesses were exposed, and you guys exemplified comradere and team spirit (I still want a shirt!). Audra and Holly had probably the best squat form out of all the girl athletes I observed, which says a lot about your training and personal standards, I loved everything about that event for you two! Ethan and Andrew, obviously I didn't get to see you because we were in the smae heats but I know you did your best and if you saw a weakness, you will work on it. Amy, You are a monster and we all know that, Don't get to frustrated, we all have bad events, you get better by analyzing that situation, training what needs to be trained and attacking it next time you see it!

Over all 405 showed up, did work, and took care of buisness, I am PROUD to train with all of you and be a part of this family!!! If anyone needs help or wants advice please come talk to me, Justin, DL, or Aaron. We all are willing to help you and make you better!!!

Back to work!

If you still are a little beat up from the weekend take today to do some more active recovery. If you feel good do this work:

Warm up-

Tabata Squat holds- Get in the bottom of your squat and hang out for 20 seconds, recover for 10 seconds and repeat 7 more times for a total of 8 Tabata rounds.

Muscle ups- 7x3, Hold the top support for 5 seconds before returning to the bottom, 7 sets of 3 reps.

Ab mat sit ups- 75 reps


Back Squat- 4x4, @ 90%,95%,100%,105% of your 5RM

Muscle Endurance-
Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes perform:

2 Power Snatch
2 OH walking lunge steps (each leg)

Guys- 115, Gals- 75


3 Rounds for time:

400m run
21 Burpees
12 CTB Pull Ups

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Active recovery

I will be heading to Wes Watkins out in McCloud to do some swimming, If you care to join I will be getting there around 1000.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Pre Game

Use today to set up your plan for tomorrow. I know there is a lot of confussion about the event but try and block that shit out and focus on what you need to do. Bring Dassani water apparently. Get you gear bag all set up and prepare for it to be searched. You have trained hard and now is the time to put it into action.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Last Day of training before the Comp!!!

Use today to fine tune your skills and practice the WODs for the COMP, get with your team and stratigize and plan for each workout.