Monday, July 30, 2012

A few more days.....

Warm Up:

Work on stuff you know you suck at!!!


Strict Press- 10x3 at 70% of 1RM

- Super set with-

Strict Pull ups- max reps after each set of presses

Muscle Endurance:

5 rounds of:

As fast as possible each round:

100m row sprint

10 Burpees

* rest 90 secounds between rounds*


21-15-9 for time:

Power Snatch 115/75
Box Jump 30"/24"

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday Workout

Warm Up:

Muscle up- 5x5

HSPU- 5x5

TGUs- 5x5

DB Snatch- 5x5 each arm


Power Clean- 30 Reps at 85% of your 1RM, for quality not for time!

Pause Front Squats- Heavy triple. Slow and controled to the bottom, hold bottom for a 2 count, then drive the weight up, repeat 2 more times. STAY TIGHT!!!

Muscle Endurance:
Everyminute on the minute for 10 minutes perform:

4 KB thrusters 1.5/1 in each hand
8 Sit ups


Part 1-

2 minute max rep Wall Ball Shots 20lb ball to 10ft men/ 9ft women

* Rest 1 Minute*

Part 2-

Complete for time:

100 Double Unders
50 Push press 95/65
25 Toe to Bar
10 Wall Climbs

Friday, July 27, 2012

PR your damn OHS!!!

Warm up:

Run 10 Minutes @ 80% effort

Prep hips and shoulders


OHS- 5,5,3,3,3,1,1,1 Going up in weight each set. If you can PR, do it!!!

Muscle Endurance:
Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes perform:

3 Deadlifts @ 70% of 1RM
6 Barfacing Burpees


Complete for time:

800m run

30 Thrusters 75/55

30 Pull ups

400m run

15 Thrusters 75/55

15 Pull ups

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Training Camp

Warm up:

Row 1K

10 Rounds of Cindy, not for time but at a good pace.


Bench press- 225/125 for max reps, 2 attempts (scale as needed but 225/125 is the gold standard)

5 x 50m sprints with a flying start. * Start 10m behind the actual start line and be reaching max speed by the time you hit the start line. Rest long enough to achieve 100% effort on all sprints.

Yoke push- Load your body weight onto the yoke and push it 25m down and 25m back, complete 5 sets.

Box Jump- Find a new Max Height

* Rest as needed between this work to be able to hit each item at 100% effort*


Complete for time:

30 Back Squats @ Body weight
1K row
30 Burpees

Monday, July 23, 2012

This weeks Team WOD


As a Team of 6 (3 Guys/ 3 Girls) Complete:

Max Rep Pull ups- Each Team member will get 1 attempt at a max unbroken set of Pull ups. There will be a 5 minute cap to complete all team members.

Once 5 minutes is up you will roll right into-

Going in a guy/girl order complete:

10 Front Squats Men 185, Women 115 *From the Ground*
20 Box Jumps Men 30", Women 24"
30 Wall Ball Shots Men 20 to 10', Women 14 to 10'
40 Shoulder to overhead Men 95, Women 65 *From the Ground*
50 Double Unders

Score will be Total Pull ups completed plus total time to complete the chipper. Time ends When Last team member finishes their Double Unders. YOU MAY NOT ADVANCE UNTIL THE STATION AHEAD OF YOU IS CLEAR!!!


August 4th 2 weeks out....

Warm up:

Run 10 minutes @75% effort

3 attempts max unbroken Double unders

3 Attempts max unbroken muscle ups


Snatch- Find a 1RM for the day

Then do AMRAP 8 Minutes at 80% of the 1RM

Muscle endurance:

10x100m sprints

Run to the 100m mark, turn around and walk back, your rest time is how long you take to walk back. Attack each sprint @ 100% effort!!!


For time:

500m Row

50 Burpee Pull ups

500m Row

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Games Chipper

Warm up:

1K row

TGUs- 5x5


150 KBS unbroken @ the heaviest possible KB. You must perform  5 HSPU for every time you rest the KB before you may continue.


2012 Games Chipper:

Complete for time-

10 OHS 155/105
10 Box Jump overs 24"/20"
10 Axle Thrusters 135/95
10 Power Cleans 205/125
10 Toe to Bar
10 Burpee Muscle Ups
10 Toe to Bar
10 Power Cleans 205/125
10 Axle Thrusters 135/95
10 Box Jump overs 24"/20"
10 OHS 155/105

Friday, July 20, 2012

Nasty Chipper

Warm Up:

Take 20 minutes to work on skills and drills. Attack your GOAT!!!


Deadlift- 12x3 @ 60% of 1RM, work on speed while maintaining proper form.

Muscle Endurance:
Every 30 seconds for 10 minutes perform:

2 Strict CTB Pull Ups

* If yuo know this will be easy for you, throw a weight vest on!!!*


Complete for time-

400m run
25 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
75 Double unders
50 Wall Balls 20/14
400m run with wall ball
50 Wall Balls 20/14
75 Double unders
25 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
400m run

*30 Minute cap*

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Presses........ and more Presses

Warm up:

Run for 10 minutes @70% effort

10 Rope Climbs

10 Atlas Stone to Shoulder

10 20 Second HS Holds or 10 20m HS walks


Strict Press- 5,5,5

Push Press- 3,3,3

Push Jerk- 1,1,1 (No Split Jerks)

*Goal is to increase the weight each set. Start at a challenging weight and work up from there.*

Muscle Endurance:
Complete for as long as you are physically able(20 minute cap if need be), every minute on the minute perform:

2 Muscle ups (or 6 CTB Pull ups)
4 Alternating Pistols
8 KBS 2pd/1.5pd


With a 5 minute cap perform:

Grace- 30 clean and jerks 135/95

Then with time remaing AMRAP double unders

Score is number of total double unders completed.

Monday, July 16, 2012

This weeks TEAM WOD

Team WOD:

AS a team of 6 (3 guys/ 3 girls) You will have 7 minutes to establish a 1 rep max ground to overhead for each team member. You will only have 2 bars, one for the men and one for the women.  Score will be the total of all the teams 1 rep maxes.

**Team WOD #1 of the OKC classic**

Squats........ and more Squats

Warm Up:

Row 1K

Mobilize Hips and Shoulders


Over Head Squats- 5,5,5

Front Squats- 3,3,3

Back Squats- 1,1,1

*The Goal is to increase the weight each set. Start at a challenging weight and work up from there.*

Muscle Endurance:
Every minute on the minute for ten minutes perform:
5 Burpees
10m Bear Crawl
5 Pull ups


AMRAP 7 minutes:

Row 1K

Squat Cleans 155/95

Start with a 1K row and the with time remaining complete as many Squat Cleans as possible.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Groovin' on a Sunday afternoon.....

Warm Up:

Rope Climb- work technique

Dumbbell Thrusters- 3x10

KB Taters- 3x10


Power Clean- Heavy single

Then AMRAP 8 minutes at 80% of that heavy single

Muscle Endurance-
None for today


5 rounds for time

10 deadlifts 275/185
2 rope climbs

*Rest 10 minutes*

3 rounds for time:

50 Double unders
15 Toe to bar

Friday, July 13, 2012

Cleans and an "Outlaw" Metcon

Warm Up:

Row 1K

Double Unders- 3 attempts at max unbroken reps

Hips and Shoulders mobility for 10 minutes


For max weight-

1 Power Clean + 1 Squat Clean + 2 Front Squats + 1 Jerk

* This work is to be done unbroken, Focus on form and go as heavy as perfect form will allow*

Muscle Endurance:

Death by KB swings  70/55

1 swing the first minute, 2 the 2nd, 3 the 3rd and so on until you cannot complete the reps in the given minute.


Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes perform:
2 Power clean to over head @ 80% of the SWOD
1 Rope climb

From "The Outlaw Way",

4 rounds for total working time (not including C2B) and total reps of C2B:

50 Double-Unders
10 Push Jerks @ 135/95#

*Rest 30 seconds before C2B.

ME UB C2B Pullups
*Rest 1 minute before starting next round.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Terrible 20's = FML!!!

Warm Up:

Gymnastic skill work for 20 minutes- Muscle ups, HS walks, HSPU, Rope climbs, etc.....


Thruster- Heavy Single

Muscle Endurance:
Every Minute on the minute for 10 miniutes perform:

3 Thrusters @ 65% of your heavy single
3 Burpee Pullups


Complete for time:

20 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95
20 Burpees
20 Power Cleans 135/95
20 Box Jumps 30"/24"
20 Front Squats 135/95
20 CTB Pull ups
20 Squat Cleans 135/95

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Back to work!

Warm Up:

Bar Muscle Up- Accumulate 20 reps or work on the technique, If you can not do them work on CTB Pullups and Ring Dips (60 reps of each)

Pistols- AMRAP 3 Minutes alternating legs each rep.


Complete 5 sets of the following:

Box Squat- 2 reps @ 80% of your 1RM Back Squat (Be as explosive as possible)

Followed immediately by:

50m Yoke walk- Loaded with 110% of your 1RM Back Squat

Muscle Endurance:

None for today


3 Rounds for time:

15 Push Jerks 135/95
15 Toe to bar

* Rest 5 Minutes*

3 rounds for time:

15 Deadlifts 225/155
15 Burpees

* Rest 5 Minutes*

Row 1K for time

Monday, July 9, 2012

This weeks TEAM WODs


As a team of 6 (3 guys, 3 girls) complete the following:

1guy + 1 girl complete-

Tire flip 50m Heavy tire

Yoke push 100m ( 50m down and back to tire) 400lb Yoke

Tire flip 50m Heavy tire

This is to be completed together. Flip the tire together and push the yoke together. Once the first couple completes the work the next couple goes. When they are complete the last couple goes. Score will be total time to complete all the work.


Team of 4 (2 guys, 2 girls) Complete the following:

1 Team member at a time does-

50m Jerry can farmers carry (one in each hand)

500m row

50m Jerry can farmers carry (one in each hand)

You may go in any order you like. If the Jerry cans are put down at any time other then to transfer them to the next team member OR begin the row there is a 5 burpee penalty before you may continue. Score will be total time for completion of all the work.


As a team of 6 (3 guys, 3 girls) using 2 bars ( 1 for the guys one for the girls) do the following:

10 Minutes to find max weight deadlift for the team

The score will be the sum of all the team members heaviest 1 rep. Each member will perform deadlifts going up in weight each attempt. Once a meber fails to complete a rep they are ELIMINATED and their last good rep will be their score, also they can no longer perform reps or help with removing and adding weight to the bar. As long as team members are still eligable to lift (no failed rep) They may assisst in adding weight to the bar. Once they are eliminated they will have to stand to the side and MAY NOT HELP in any way to add weight to the bar. At the end of 10 minutes all the one rep maxes will be added together to make up the team score, for example, Guy 1 355 + Guy 2 405 + Guy 3 525= 1285. Girl 1 225 + Girl 2 250 + Girl 3 275= 750. 1285+750= 2035 which would be the score for the team


Rest Day

Friday, July 6, 2012

Competition style weekend

All these workouts must be completed by 3PM (1500) Sunday July 8th. You Can do the workouts any time you want between now and then. Use this to practice strategy and recovery. Post all your results on this site so we can be held accountable.

Perform in any order at any time:

WOD # 1:

Complete for time:
30 Squat Snatches 135/95
30 Muscle Ups
*Break up the reps any way you want.
* 10 minute cap, each rep not completed in 10 minutes is 5 seconds added on to 10 minutes i.e. fail to complete 10 reps puts your time at 10:50.

WOD # 2:

Complete for time:
10-8-6-4-2 Power Cleans  175/115
2-4-6-8-10 HSPU
* Kipping the HSPU is allowed*

WOD # 3:

3 Rounds for time:
5 Squat clean thrusters 155/100
200m sprint
* Power clean to thruster is allowed*

WOD # 4:

Complete for time:

25 Deadlifts 245/185

50 CTB Pull ups

25 Deadlifts 245/185

WOD # 5:

With a 5 minute running clock perform:

3 minute AMRAP Row for max calories

2 Minute AMRAP Box Jumps 30"/24" for max reps

* Score is combined total reps*

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Power Cleans and a Leg smoker!

Warm Up-

Row 1K

Muscle ups- 30 reps in as few sets as possible

TGUs- 5 minutes of continious movement switching hands at the bottom of each rep, 50/30 dumbbells.


Power Cleans- 15 - 1 - 10 - 1 - 5 - 1

* Do 15 touch and go reps followed by a heavy single rep, then 10 and a heavy 1 rep, then 5 and a heavy o1 rep. Take as much time as needed between sets.*

Muscle Endurance-
Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes perform:
10 unbroken wall ball shots 20/14
10 HR Pushups


3 Rounds for time:

500m Row
10 Front Squats 185/115

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

This weeks TEAM WOD

Team WOD Part 1-

As a team of 6 (3 Guys/3 Girls) Complete the following for max reps:

Each team member will have 2 minutes to complete Max Rep Thrusters 135/75

You will only have one bar available to you, You will go in a Guy-Girl order. The person who just got done must change the weight for the next team member before the next team member is allowed to touch the bar. Your score will be the total of reps accumulated. These are thrusters! You may not break up the movement. YOU MUST DRIVE THE BAR OFF THE SHOULDERS ON YOUR WAY UP FROM THE SQUAT!!!

This will be followed IMMEDIATELY by:

Part 2-

400 Wall Balls For Time. This will be performed with a 20LB ball to a 10 foot target by all members. You may go in any order you like and each team member can do as many reps as he or she likes, ALL MEMBERS MUST DO AT LEAST 1 REP FOR THIS TO BE VALID.

THE WALL BALL MAY NOT TOUCH THE GROUND ONCE YOU BEGIN!!! If the wall ball falls the ENTIRE team must run a 400m before proceeding, and will run a 400m for every drop there after. Score will be total time to complete.

This will take stratagey and endurance. ENJOY!!!

Rest Day

Monday, July 2, 2012

Snatch Drills

Warm Up-

Row 2K

Burgner Warm up


High Hang Snatch Pulls- 3x3

Full Snatch Pulls- 3x3

Hang Snatch- 3x3

Pause Snatch- 3x3 Deadlift to the knee, pause 1 second, then complete the snatch from the knee

Full Snatch- 5 sets of 1 rep

* Do not go super heavy on any of this work, FOCUS ON FORM!!!*

Muscle Endurance-
Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes perform:
3 Strict Pull ups
30 Double unders


AMRAP 20 minutes:

400m Run
20 Burpees
1 Rope Climb

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sunday Funday

Warm Up:

Atlas Stone to shoulder- 5x2 Light weight, practice form

TGUs- 5x2 at a moderate weight

Ab Mat sit ups- 50 Reps

Row 1K

SWOD # 1:

2 minute AMRAP Stone to Shoulder- Heaviest Stone possible
Followed immediately by:
1 minute AMRAP Burpees

* Score is total reps for each movement*

SWOD # 2:

30 Tire Flips for time- Heaviest possible tire.


For time complete:

2 Mile run
50 Thrusters 75/55
30 Burpees