Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Rest Day

Rest and Recovery After Exercise - Improve Sports Performance

After Exercise Rest - Why Rest Days Improve Sports Performance

By , About.com Guide
Updated April 30, 2012
Most athletes know that getting enough rest after exercise is essential to high-level performance, but many still over train and feel guilty when they take a day off. The body repairs and strengthens itself in the time between workouts, and continuous training can actually weaken the strongest athletes.
Rest days are critical to sports performance for a variety of reasons. Some are physiological and some are psychological. Rest is physically necessary so that the muscles can repair, rebuild and strengthen. For recreational athletes, building in rest days can help maintain a better balance between home, work and fitness goals.

What Happens During Recovery?

Building recovery time into any training program is important because this is the time that the body adapts to the stress of exercise and the real training effect takes place. Recovery also allows the body to replenish energy stores and repair damaged tissues. Exercise or any other physical work causes changes in the body such as muscle tissue breakdown and the depletion of energy stores (muscle glycogen) as well as fluid loss.
Recovery time allows these stores to be replenished and allows tissue repair to occur. Without sufficient time to repair and replenish, the body will continue to breakdown from intensive exercise. Symptoms of overtraining often occur from a lack of recovery time. Signs of overtraining include a feeling of general malaise, staleness, depression, decreased sports performance and increased risk of injury, among others.

Source:  http://sportsmedicine.about.com/od/sampleworkouts/a/RestandRecovery.htm

Active recovery WOD:
Run 2 to 3 miles at 60%-70% effort
Roll out all your sticky places
Epsom salt bath

1 comment:

  1. Skill:
    hspu 9/5/5/5/5
    SWOD: find heavy 1R snatch
    3x95/115 2x125 1x135/145/155/165(fx3)
    ME: EMOTM for 10
    6x alt pistols 6x ring dips
    WOD: 15-12-9
    power snatch 115
    bar facing burpees
    TIME: 7:51
