Tuesday, May 29, 2012

AOK Just around the corner....

2 weeks until the Anarchy in the OK event. Are you training hard? Are you resing and recovering properly? Are you eating right? Last couple of days to really test yourself, Get to work!!!

Warm Up:
Muscle ups- 5 sets with the 1st set being max reps, and the other 4 being sets of 3/5/7 unbroken reps.

* If you do not have muscle ups take 20 minutes to work on technique and progression.*

Starting with an empty bar, you will have 7 minutes to find a 1RM ground to overhead anyway. This can be achieved with clean and jerk, snatch, or any crazy way you can get the bar from the floor to locked out overhead. Be smart with your weight jumps and time management!

Muscle Endurance:
Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes perform:
2 Power cleans 205/135
20 Double unders
For time complete:

400m run
50 Push Press 75/55
400m run
35 CTB pull ups
400m run
20 Box Jumps 30"/24"


  1. Warm up- muscle ups 5x7

    SWOD- Heavy Power clean- 255
    Heavy Jerk- 325

    ME- 185lbs

    WOD- 14:22

  2. took a rest day on Tues 5/29, but did this WOD on Wed 5/30

    hspu 7/7/7/7/5 (unbroken sets)
    3x10 alt. pistols
    7 mins to find 1RM clean & jerk
    EMOTM for 10
    2 power cleans 185#
    30x double unders
    for time
    400m run
    50x push press 75#
    400m run
    35x CTB pull ups
    400m run
    20x box jumps 30"
    TIME 12:37
